
TurkIX is a neutral Internet Exchange enterprise and promotes the open peering policy. Any organization with a status of a legal entity owning a network may connect to TurkIX. For connection, an organization should not have obligatory licenses for communication services. Throughout the connection period, the process specifications must be observed.

The mission of TurkIX is to facilitate and promote peering between Content Providers and Internet Service Providers. This can be achieved only if its MEMBERS volunteer to open peerings. As such TurkIX recommends to its members to actively seek for opening peerings.

However, TurkIX can and will not take any responsibility that a given MEMBER will accept peering with another member. In case several MEMBERS report to TurkIX that one MEMBER continuously refuses peering, TurkIX will seek the dialogue with this MEMBER.

The following peering policies are accepted:

the MEMBER opens peering on simple demand from any member present at the TurkIX.
the MEMBER evaluates every demand before opening the peering.
the MEMBER publishes restrictive objective criteria the other member has to meet in order to establish a peering.
Paid peering:
in case the MEMBERs do not reach an agreement for settlement-free peering, they may arrange for payment. This payment has to be negotiated and carried out between the members.

Bilateral Peering contracts:

TurkIX does not require from the MEMBERS to set-up formal peering agreements for exchanging traffic, however it is not allowed to send data/traffic to another party without acknowledgement of the other party. In case of infringement, TurkIX has the right to immediately disconnect the infringing member.

Participation in working groups
Information to customers about any restrictions in traffic exchange

The member accepts to keep its customers informed about any restrictions in traffic to or from other members.


Rules for routing and use of private AS numbers:

A member must publish its routing policy, preferably by registration at RIPE according to RIPE-181/RFC 1786. Routing information may not be exchanged through the exchange point with routing protocols that use multicast or broadcast, such as RIP and OSPF. Static routing may not be used to control traffic through the exchange point. Private AS numbers may only be used at an exchange point if they are coordinated and accepted by TurkIX. Routing information that is exported to other destinations on Internet may not contain private AS numbers.

Traffic interference

A member may in no way interfere with traffic to or from another member.

Assistance in correction of problems

A member shall immediately assist in the correction of problems in its own, or in shared equipment.