P2P Private VLAN, also known as Virtual Private Network Interconnect (VPNI), allows members to establish private connections (VLANs) with each other using their available ports, without incurring any additional costs.
Main features:
P2P Private VLAN is a part of our concept of providing multiple opportunities for members to exchange traffic with each other while retaining full control on their part.
Requesting a P2P Private VLAN between members is done through the my.TurkIX automated system, as the VLAN tag can be different on both sides.
You save a lot of time and resources when coordinating with other members.
Easy migration from one data center to another while keeping all settings.
Automated process and instant setup.
Speed, limited only by the capacity of the ports on both sides.
End-to-end redundancy over the core MPLS infrastructure.
9000 bytes MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
Completely identical functionality and capabilities regardless of which member is connected at which point of presence.
Unlimited number of MAC addresses.
Prioritization (Quality of Service / QoS) relative to peering traffic, so that potential overload of the member's port does not affect P2P Private VLAN traffic.