Public Peering
The Public Peering service provides connectivity optimization and Internet traffic control, reducing the number of transit points and packet delays. The direct connectivity that Public Peering provides makes your network more predictable and easier to manage.
Main features:
With the help of Public Peering, a given network (peer) directly exchanges traffic with many other networks (peers) using only one connection (port) to TurkIX. Activating the service is quick and easy. In addition to the connectivity to the TurkIX network, you only need to have your own AS (Autonomous System) and support the BGP4 protocol. In order to convince yourself of the benefits of Public Peering according to your specific needs and expectations, we offer you a three-month non-binding free trial period.
Direct connection with over 100 networks (peers), including many Bulgarian, regional and global Internet companies;
Exceptional reliability, predictability and control provided by high-end Juniper Networks network equipment (MX, EX9200, EX9250) and multiple independent optical paths between points of presence, leased by different operators for risk diversification. Spare equipment in stock and service contracts with Smartcom Bulgaria/Juniper Networks for equipment maintenance and replacement;
BGP Blackholing and DDoS Mitigation mechanisms that greatly assist members in their fight against DDoS attacks on their Internet networks;
Possibility of activation in 11 data centers in Sofia and easy migration while saving all settings;
24/7/365 support;
Free and non-binding trial period.
Easy and quick activation while keeping full control on your side;
Access to numerous statistics (ports, VLAN, traffic with other networks, etc.) through my.TurkIX;